Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907: Development of International Law.
Geneva Conventions, 1864, 1906, 1949: International Law relating to sick and wounded soldiers and Prisoners of War (POW).
Berne Convention (1866): International Law for Protection of Copyright.
Stockholm’s Conference on Human Environment (1972): Protection of Ecology and Environment along with development (the concept of Sustainable Development). June 5 is World Environment Day as International Conference started on this day.
Montreal Protocol (1987): Control CFC production and consumption to save environment from pollution. Treaty on Ozone hole signed.
Rio Earth Summit (1982) at Rio De Generio: Agenda 21 drafted to prevent environmental degradation.
World Summit on Sustainable Development (2002): Concluded at Johannesburg.
Kyoto Conference (1997): Kyoto Protocol signed to reduce green house effect.
Vienna Congress (1815): First treaty on International Law.
Vienna Convention (1961): Law relating to diplomatic relations among States.
UDHR (Universal Declaration of Human Rights) signed on December 10, 1949. December 10 is celebrated as International Human Rights Day.
CEDAW: (Convention of the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women) 1979.
Convention on Child Rights (1989).
UN Convention on the Law of Sea (1982)
UN Conventions on Climate Change, Bio-Diversity and Forestry (1992)
Manu Smriti — Manu (a code on ancient Hindu Law)
Artha Shastra — Kautilya (a book on the rules of statecraft (public administration)
Concept of Law — H.L.A. Hart
Law and Public Opinion in 19th Century England — A.V. Dicey
Learning the Law — G. Willims
Ancient Law — H. Maine
We the Nation — Nani Palkhivala
We the People — Nani Palkhivala
International Law — Oppenheim
The Law of nations — Brierly
The Province of Jurisprudence defined — Austin
The Nuer — E.E. Evans Pritichard (A society without law is imagined in the book)